Zero to Om - Act 4

Until now the application is rather boring. It just displays data. But we want to actually use it! In this post we will take a look at how the app reacts (no pun intented) to user input. The source code can be found on GitHub.

Note: I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already.

Managing state is tricky. Each framework has its own mechanisms to detect and handle state changes. Here is Om’s.

Inner State

In this section we will look at how state inside the component can be managed.

Component State

In the previous post we’ve already learned that components can have inner, transient state. In our example the todo-item component used the symbol :edit-text to assign the current text field’s value. This snippet should refresh your memory:

(defn todo-item [todo owner]
    (init-state [_]
      {:edit-text (:title todo)})

    (render-state [_ state]
          #js {:className "edit"
               :value (om/get-state owner :edit-text)
               :onChange #(change % todo owner)

Now, let’s have a look at the event handler for onChange:

(defn change [e todo owner]
  (om/set-state! owner :edit-text (-> e .-target .-value)))

The handler changes the :edit-text state to the input field’s value. -> is a macro which allows writing the statement without additional nesting (i.e. (.-checked (.-target e))) but on a “thread”. The snippet above shows one of two options to update a component’s inner state:

Both will trigger an Om re-rendering.

Application State

We’ve learned earlier that the entire application state is kept in a single atom, the root atom. But we only pass a subset to a component (e.g. todo to todo-item). How do we keep the subsets in-sync with the root state?

With Cursors! From Om’s documentation:

Cursors split one big mutable atom into smaller sub-atoms that remain in-sync with the state held in the root atom.

Basically you can imagine a cursor a bit like a pointer to a portion of the root state. A component can apply changes to its cursor and the application state will change. When data in the application state changes - for example from an HTTP request - Om will re-render all components that depend on the changed value. Therefore the binding is two-way.

To read values from a cursor you’ll need to dereference it (eg @my-cursor) - except during the render phase (ie inside render and render-state) where it can be treated just like a regular value. To change a cursor value you have two options:

Let’s see how this works in our app.

The todo-item component contains a checkbox field which toggles the item’s status. Its onChange event is handled here:

(defn complete [todo]
  (om/transact! todo :completed #(not %)))

The transact! function receives (1) the component’s cursor todo to the todo item, (2) the key :completed to specify which part of the data to change and (3) a function literal that simply negates the current value.

Another example is in the main todo-app component. It also contains a checkbox but this one toggles the status of all items:

(defn toggle-all [e state]
  (let [checked (-> e .-target .-checked)]
    (om/transact! state :todos
	  (fn [todos] (vec (map #(assoc % :completed checked) todos))))))

Here the value of the checkbox binds to checked. The transact! update function uses map to return a sequence of todo items with the completed key set to checked. Don’t forget: we are working with immutable data so both map and assoc do not modify the data but return new values.

Note: With vec we make sure that the return value is always a vector because Om’s cursors only work with associate data structures (ie ClojureScript maps and indexed sequential data structures, such as the vector).

To learn more about cursors I suggest reading Om’s Cursor docs.

Outer State

Often the state we’d like to manage will not be within direct reach of the component. The two mechanisms we’ve learned above will not be enough then.

Parent Components

Sometimes it is not feasible to change the application state since a sub-component often only has a cursor to a part of the state. Then one of its parents should be responsible. But how do they communicate with another?

Usually, in JavaScript this is handled by callbacks or event bubbling. But in ClojureScript we have something even better: queue-like channels. The Clojure blog describes it perfectly:

A key characteristic of channels is that they are blocking. In the most primitive form, an unbuffered channel acts as a rendezvous, any reader will await a writer and vice-versa.

Basically, this allows us to easily synchronize two or more asynchronous actions - while writing sequential code. It all goes back to Tony Hoare’s Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) from the 1970s. It recently gained popularity through an implementation in the Go programming language.

Channels are provided by the library core.async, made possible only by the power of macros. To get started, we need to load the library at the beginning of a file:

  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
  (:require        [cljs.core.async        :refer [put! <! chan]])

The todo-app component uses the will-mount lifecycle function to create a new channel once the app is started:

(defn todo-app [{:keys [todos] :as state} owner]
    (will-mount [_]
      (let [comm (chan)]
        (om/set-state! owner :comm comm)
        (go (while true
              (let [[type value] (<! comm)]
                (handle-event type state value))))))

(chan) returns a new unbuffered channel. This is then added to the component’s state with the key :comm. Finally, a go block is opened: inside we find an endless loop that reads a value from the channel with (<! comm) and destructures it into a vector with two items, [type value].

It is important to note that reading from the channel is a blocking operation, waiting for data being sent through the channel forever. But wouldn’t the app completely freeze since JavaScript is single-threaded? Well, that’s why we need to wrap all <! calls with go: it is a macro that allows to have small, contained event loops within the overall global event loop. The inner ones block while the global one keeps running.

Note: The comm channel is now passed to every function or component that needs it. To avoid confusion: all code snippets from the previous post omitted this.

Back to our example. The data that was read from the channel is passed to handle-event:

(defn handle-event [type state val]
  (case type
	:destroy (destroy-todo state val)
	:edit    (edit-todo state val)
	:save    (save-todos state)
	:cancel  (cancel-action state)

The function uses case to select a form to execute based on the value of type. It handles all the events that the todo-item component might want to send. Let’s have a look at one of its event handlers that fires when you click the red ‘x’ on a todo item:

(defn destroy [todo comm]
  (put! comm [:destroy @todo]))

It uses put! to send the vector [:destroy @todo] over the channel. Notice the @ that dereferences the cursor beforehand - so the value is sent, not the cursor. It is then read by the endless loop we saw above, passed to the handle-event and finally ends up as a parameter to destroy-todo:

(defn destroy-todo [state {:keys [id]}]
  (om/transact! state :todos
	(fn [todos] (vec (remove #(= (:id %) id) todos)))))

Here we see that the state cursor and the todo’s id are used to update the application state. The todos are replaced by a copy of all todos, excluding any item that has the passed-in id. Remember, the function literal can also be written as (fn [todo] (= (:id todo) id)).

The other functions in handle-event basically all work the same way, nothing we haven’t seen by now already.

This just scratched the surface of the possibilities of channels. To learn more about channels I suggest reading ClojureScript core.async todos and trying out this source code example.

DOM nodes

There comes a time in every app when you need to work with an actual DOM node, eg reading and changing its value. By using the ref keyword, a reference name can be assigned to a node. Later, for example in an event handler, the node can be accessed by this name.

In our app we need this for the ‘new’ text field of the todo-app component. Here with the newly added ref key:

  #js {:id "new-todo" 
       :ref "newField" 
       :onKeyDown #(enter-new-todo % state owner)}

With the ref in place, the event handler enter-new-todo can access the node:

(defn enter-new-todo [e state owner]
  (when (== (.-which e) ENTER_KEY)
	(let [new-field      (om/get-node owner "newField")
		  new-field-text (string/trim (.-value new-field))]
	  (when-not (string/blank? new-field-text)
	 	(let [new-todo {:id (guid)
                        :title new-field-text
		 				:completed false}]
			(om/transact! state :todos #(conj % new-todo)))
		(set! (.-value new-field) "")))

When the user hits the enter key it creates a new todo: by using om/get-node with the parameters owner (the underlying React component) and newField (the reference name) the text field (a native browser DOM node) can be retrieved. Calling .-value on the node reads its text content. If it is not empty a new item is created and saved to the application state via om/transact!. Finally, the input’s value is reset.

Another example is the ‘edit’ text field of the todo-item component, now with the added ref key:

  #js {:ref "editField" :className "edit" ...}

On double-clicking the todo label the edit event handler is called:

(defn edit [e todo owner comm]
  (let [todo @todo
        node (om/get-node owner "editField")]
    (put! comm [:edit todo])
    (doto owner
      (om/set-state! :needs-focus true)
      (om/set-state! :edit-text (:title todo)))))

There’s a lot going on! The todo symbol binds to the dereferenced cursor and node to the input’s DOM node. The vector [:edit todo] is written to the channel with put! (and handled by the handle-event function we saw earlier), putting the app into ‘editing’ mode. At last, the component state is updated to reflect the editing of the todo.

Note: doto takes owner and calls the function of each subsequent form with it as the first parameter.

If you want to learn more about refs I have just what you need: More About Refs.

This concludes today’s act! We have seen how state is managed in Om. We didn’t look into every line of the example app but you saw the most important parts. Feel free to browse the full source code to explore the rest of it.

In Act 5 we’ll learn how to publish the app properly. Meanwhile, here are a few links to dive deeper into Om:

Stephan Behnke

Software developer by trade. Most of the time on the ever lasting quest for simplicity, elegance and beauty in code. Or just getting stuff done in-between.

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