Category om

Zero to Om - Act 6

Welcome to our next act. Today we’re going to meet a few additional libraries that’ll help us write great Om applications. Let’s get started! As always, I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already. sablono In a previous post I showed you how the application’s UI is rendered: (dom/div nil (header) (dom/input #js {:id "new-todo" :ref "newField" :placeholder "What needs to be done?" :onKeyDown #(enter-new-todo % state owner)}) (listing state) (footer state))))) As you can see, a dom/* HTML element receives a map of properties: #js {.

Zero to Om - Act 5

In this part we will have a closer look at the app’s build configuration and discover what it can do for us. The source code can be found on GitHub. Note: I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already. The Build Config The project’s build configuration is defined in project.clj. It is written in Clojure and looks like this: ;; project.clj, part 1 (defproject todomvc "0.

Zero to Om - Act 4

Until now the application is rather boring. It just displays data. But we want to actually use it! In this post we will take a look at how the app reacts (no pun intented) to user input. The source code can be found on GitHub. Note: I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already. Managing state is tricky. Each framework has its own mechanisms to detect and handle state changes.

Zero to Om - Act 3

In this third post we’ll take a look at how the app is initialized and rendered. The source code can be found on GitHub. Note: I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already. For increased comprehension we will jump through the two files and not go through them from top to bottom. The State Most applications, at least the interesting ones, have some kind of state.

Zero to Om - Act 2

In this second post we will look at actual ClojureScript source code, step by step. The source code can be found on GitHub. Note: I strongly recommend reading the previous post first if you haven’t done so already. ClojureScript 101 Before we dive in we’ll look at the philosophy of ClojureScript. Since ClojureScript is a Lisp dialect, it strips away most of the syntax you may know from other programming languages.

Zero to Om

This is the first part of a series of blog posts about Om. If you don’t know anything about Om, don’t worry! You’ll learn everything step by step. Here are the basics: Om is a ClojureScript interface to Facebook’s React. If that doesn’t ring any bells, again, don’t worry! NOTE: I just started learning React.js, ClojureScript and Om. So this is my way of trying to learn this myself: By taking you on the ride with me.